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When Ms Morrison brought mine Horde to this time, I feared for the people. Everything ist too nice. Carrying sharp blades ist forbidden. Men art imprisoned for the mere stealing of an loaf of bread from an midden. Drinking ist not allowed in certain areas at all! Yes, I feared mightily for the future of mankind (the pedantic editor sayest I shouldst call it “humankind” in order to be non-discriminatory. I hath killed her in the same way I wouldst kill an man).

But then, last night, Ms Morrison took me with her to an meeting of her daughter’s choir (this, I understand, to be somewhere people sing together; in mine day this wast called the “pub”).

Within minutes of our arrival, we were swamped with an crowd of young children, shouting, squealing as loudly as Aud on spying a new dress to match his shoes, and generally creating much noise and mayhem.

Perhaps there ist hope for thee all yet.
